A Guide for High School Students 2020-2021

Reason for applicationI had been keen on arithmetic and a wide range of sciences ever since I was a small child and this enthusiasm persisted throughout junior and senior high school. erefore, I had never considered pursuing any other eld than math and science. Consequently, I wanted to enroll in a university’s faculty of science and technology where I could learn these subjects in depth. When I was considering which university to choose, I learned that the Department of Materials and Life Sciences at Sophia University allows students to learn a broad range of disciplines from biology to chemistry, physics, and environmental science. As a high school student who had no specic eld in mind, this curriculum came across as extremely attractive. I applied for this department because I thought I would be able to nd the academic discipline to pursue.Learning at the Faculty of Science and TechnologyOne of the features of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Sophia University is that students are able to expose themselves to various elds. One can attend classes in information- or engineering-related elds, not to mention classes in biology, chemistry or physics. Personally, I was able to discover a new interest or career path not known to me in high school. Before starting studies at Sophia University, I thought I might want to study genetic-engineering-related chemistry, but ended up taking an interest in physics-related computational chemistry. Although I was assigned to the theoretical molecular design (physical chemistry) laboratory, I believe that lectures in other elds that I had attended until then are not wasted, but essential for me to acquire theoretical thinking and basic knowledge, and grow.In the laboratoryeoretical chemistry computations are conducted in the theoretical molecular design laboratory to which I belong. We calculate how a target molecule reacts under various conditions using a computer. Before learning this discipline, when it came to chemistry, I had only a general image of conducting an experiment in which I use chemicals to trigger a reaction with my own hands and observe the results. After experiencing a simulation experiment for the rst time at the university, however, I realized that there were several approaches for a single topic of research. I understood that I had a narrow view of the world, took an interest in the kind of experiment that I experienced for the rst time, and applied for this laboratory. Obviously, I still have so much to learn; while receiving guidance and instruction from professors and upperclassmen, I gradually attempt to conduct research and spend my days making new discoveries and surprising myself. Future visionI have opted to get a job instead of doing postgraduate studies. It is a technical job in an area that is dierent from my eld of study. I expect to gain new knowledge from scratch and deepen my expertise. Although I will learn things that are dissimilar to what I learned at the university, I do not think what I have learned and experienced to date and my research will go to waste. I believe that my extensive knowledge in science and technology as well as logical thinking ability, which I have acquired at the university, will serve as a tool when I enter the workforce. I have pursued studies and research to satisfy my interests and hope to apply what I have learned at the university in order to contribute to society in the future. Linking new discoveries and personal growth to the futureSpecial InterviewY.M.Fourth-year student, Department of Materials and Life Sciences(Photo taken in FY2019) 03

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