SOPHIA UNIVERSITY A Guide for High School Students 2018-2019

* For information on programs in English, please refer to a separate guide to the programs. is section introduces two undergraduate programs in EnglishIn September 2012, the Faculty of Science and Technology launched two undergraduate programs taught entirely in English in order to meet the pressing needs of globalization. ose programs are the Green Science Program, which is oered by the Department of Materials and Life Sciences, and the Green Engineering Program, which is oered by the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences. In addition to students from Japan, students from various countries, such as the United States, Indonesia, South Korea, and Poland, are enrolled. By taking classes and examinations, compiling reports, receiving research advice, and writing their undergraduate theses all in English, students can obtain an undergraduate degree. In September 2013, the Graduate School of Science and Technology established the Green Science and Engineering Division, in which students receive all their education in English. Sophia University should be able to develop human resources with the ability (global competency) to be active in global society, by creating a common ground for local and overseas students to study and interact. Programs in EnglishLearning of Science and Technology24

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