SOPHIA UNIVERSITY A Guide for High School Students 2018-2019

13241324In the experiment courses, students will learn the fundamentals of elds (chemistry, biology, and physics) in the Department of Materials and Life Sciences from the aspect of chemistry. roughout the experiment courses in the second term in the second year and in the rst and second terms in the third year, students will conduct fundamental chemistry experiments and attend lectures on important points in experiments and on the outline and methods of chemical analysis and physicochemical analysis. ey will learn how to handle reagents and instruments and about safety measures in experiments, under the guidance of the teaching sta, RAs, and TAs.Materials and Life Sciences Lab. B(Compulsory course in the Department of Materials and Life Sciences)1 : e TA will explain how to use a spectrophotometer. Always wear a laboratory coat and protective glasses in the laboratory. 2 : Depending on the experiment, the teaching sta, RAs, and TAs will explain experimental tasks using such boards. 3 : Teaching sta will be available to answer questions from the students during experiments. 4 : How well can it be aligned with the marked line?is experiment is aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of how multicellular organisms work. In higher organisms, cells that have dierentiated dierently cooperate and work as a system while fullling their respective roles. e system mechanism can be understood by observing the behavior of an integrated individual. It can also be understood by disassembling an individual into each part (organ), by observing the physiological phenomena of the muscles, the nervous system, and the digestive system, and by analyzing the response when various stimuli are applied.Biological Science Lab. 3(Compulsory elective course in the Department of Materials and Life Sciences)1 : Discuss the receptor, agonist, concentration response curves, etc. referring to the results obtained in "experiments on neural regulation of contraction of intestinal smooth muscle".2 : Mouse dissection. Each student dissects two mice, one male and one female.  3 : In the experiment (Photo 1), students observe and record the eects of various drugs on small- intestine smooth muscle of a guinea pig by the Magnus method. 4 : Observe the inside of an organ excised from the mouse.Faculty of Science and Technology■Examples of classesDepartment of Materials and Life SciencesLearning of Science and Technology 19

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