SOPHIA UNIVERSITY A Guide for High School Students 2018-2019

FST General Subject GroupLearning of Science and TechnologyDatabase(Elective course for the second and third years)is section introduces courses common to the three departments in the Faculty of Science and Technology.A core business system deals with various data related to tasks in companies and organizations, such as management of products and customers of a virtual store, management of reservations for bullet trains and flights, and management of school records. Databases constitute the core technology of such a business system. In this course, students will first learn basic knowledge about the database and then learn about new databases such as NoSQL. The objectives are "to acquire the basic abilities of actually designing and building a core business system", "to be able to design databases and a business system using those abilities", "to learn the basic commands of SQL and, at the same time, understand their theoretical meaning", and "to acquire knowledge of NoSQL".Major Flow of ClassesClass Schedule1Guidance: What is database?9Normalization5SQL⓭NoSQL3Database conceptual schema and logical schema⓫Concurrency control7Midterm examination⓯Study assignments outside the class: Study end-of-chapter problems and  exercises in each chapter and discuss their solutions within study groups   by the next week.2Database components and basic functions  Information-system design and database⓾Transaction processing6SQL application⓮Term examination4Physical design of database⓬Fault recovery8Relational algebra12

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